Thursday, September 15, 2016


Benzyl alcohol is an aromatic alcohol with the formula C6H5CH2OH. The benzyl group is often abbreviated "Bn" (not to be confused with "Bz" which is used for benzoyl), thus benzyl alcohol is denoted as BnOH. Benzyl alcohol is a colorless liquid with a mild pleasant aromatic odor. It is a useful solvent due to its polarity, low toxicity, and low vapor pressure. Benzyl alcohol is partially soluble in water (4 g/100 mL) and completelymiscible in alcohols and diethyl ether. The anion produced by deprotonation of the alcohol group is known as benzylate or benzyloxide.

Benzyl alcohol is produced naturally by many plants and is commonly found in fruits and teas. It is also found in a variety of essential oils including jasmine,hyacinth, and ylang-ylang.
It is also one of the chemical compounds found incastoreum from the castor sacs of beavers.

Benzyl alcohol is used as a general solvent for inks, waxes, shellacs, paints, lacquers, and epoxy resin coatings. Thus it can be used in paint strippers, especially when combined with compatible viscosity enhancers to encourage the mixture to cling to painted surfaces. It is a precursor to a variety ofesters, used in the soap, perfume, and flavor industries. It is also used in e-liquid for e-cigarettes to enhance the flavors used. When applied to damaged skin or mucous membranes at a 10% concentration it acts as a local anesthetic and antimicrobial agent, and is sometimes included as a degreaser in rug cleaning products. As a dye solvent, it enhances the process of dying wool, nylon, and leather. It also has use as a photographic developer, and as an insect repellent.

source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benzyl_alcohol

Next http://www.sanminglobe.com/2017/03/benzyl-alcohol-in-epoxy-formulation.html

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  1. KepadaYth
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    Hal : Penawaran Kerjasama Pembuatan Guarantee Bank & Surety Bond

    Dengan Hormat,
    Terlebih dahulu perkenalkan Kami dari PT. SHORAI SARANA GARANSINDO (Konsultan Surety Bond & Guarantee Bank), adapun dalam kesempatan ini Kami bermaksud untuk mengajak kerjasama (menjadi member kami) dibidang peng-coveran Garansi Bank dan jaminan Asuransi yang sering di sebut dengan istilah Surety Bond yang telah di back-up oleh perusahaan perbankan dan asuransi pemerintah maupun swasta, diantaranya adalah ; BANK BNI, BRI, MANDIRI, DKI, SUMUT, LAMPUNG, SUMSEL, JABAR, NTB,BUKOPIN, JATIM, dll. Sedangkan untuk Surety Bond bisa kami terbitkan dari ASURANSI JASINDO, ASKRINDO, ASEI, BOSOWA, MEGA PRATAMA, INTRA ASIA, serta asuransi – asuransi swasta umum lainnya yang terdaftar di Departemen Keuangan Republik Indonesia.

    Adapun rate Bank Garansi dan Asuransi adalah sebagai berikut :

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    Rate / tahun Rate / triwulan
    Jaminan Penawaran 2.75 % / Flate 0.25 %
    Jaminan Pelaksanaan 3.75 % 0.4 %
    Jaminan UangMuka 4.50 % 0.4 %
    Jaminan Pemeliharaan 4.25 % 0.35 %
    Line of insuranse
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     Bank Garansi : Rp. 250.000,-
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    Hormat kami
    Office:Jl. Kemuning Raya No. 5E Utan Kayu Utara .Matraman Jakarta Timur
    Tlp ; 021 2962 1778, 29621838
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    Email : denoshorai23@gmail.com/denotegar93@gmail.com

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    Deno Adam
    Manager Marketing


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