Tuesday, October 25, 2016

CHOLINE CHLORIDE sebagai vitamin hewan

Choline chloride is an organic compound and a quaternary ammonium salt. It has a choline cation with chloride anion. Alternative names are hepacholine, biocolina and lipotril.

Choline chloride is mass-produced and is an important additive in feed especially for 
chickens where it accelerates growth. With urea it forms a deep eutectic solvent. Other commercial choline salts are choline hydroxide and choline bitartrate.
In foodstuffs the compound is often present asphosphatidylcholine. It is also used as an additive in fluids used for hydraulic fracturing.

CHOLINE CHLORIDE is a basic constituent of lecithin that is found in many plants and animal organs. It is important as a precursor of acetylcholine, as a methyl donor in various metabolic processes, and in lipid metabolism.

It's the "Intel inside" kind of molecule that allows others to function to their full potential.
Dogs and cats, like many other species, require choline. It's the "Intel inside" kind of molecule that allows others to function to their full potential. Almost all commercial petfoods contain supplemental choline, predominantly from choline chloride. However, putting choline chloride into the formula can have profound effects on the way the ingredients are combined and processed during production due to the molecule's hygroscopic (water-loving) nature.
Essential nutrient

Studies with dogs in the 1930s first led researchers to identify choline as a necessary nutrient. Since that time it has been recognized as a:
  • Key component of cell membrane phospholipids;
  • Vital part of the neurotransmitter molecule acetylcholine;
  • Lipotropic agent in fat utilization and lipid signaling; and
  • Methyl group donor in reactions involving methionine, folic acid, vitamin B12, glycine and serine.

The choline oxidation product betaine also acts as an osmolyte in the kidney. In its absence, choline deficiency can result and cause weight loss, vomiting, fatty liver and even death in dogs and cats.
While often grouped with theB-vitamins, choline is actually a closer fit, structurally and functionally, with the amino acids and fatty acids. Its similarity to B-vitamins is associated with the way it moves through the body. Specifically, choline is soluble in polar solvents like water and alcohol, has no bodily storage depots and is metabolized and excreted in proportion to the amount consumed. Thus, it must be replenished daily. Because of this constant
Functions :
Ø  For feed industry
Choline chloride is generally classified as a vitamin of B-complex. Its principle function is to contribute methyl groups to cellular processes. It is a more cost-effective methyl donor than methionine and betaine.

Numerous species of avian, mammal and fish have demonstrated a requirement for choline to produce maximum growth, increase reproductive efficiency, and prevent fatty liver
           The role of choline and other methyl donors will continue to receive attention
           since researchers found choline-deficient diets increase the incidence of
           numerous growth and health related problems in animals. Research in human
           nutrition continues to focus on the potential of choline to alleviate various disease
•  Essential metabolic component for building and maintaining cell structure. Acts via   
   phospholipid synthesis, phosphatidyl choline or lecithin and sphingomyelin.
•  Source of labile methyl groups for formation of methionine from homocysteine and of  
   creatine from guanidoacetic acid. Choline is usually referred to as the least costly
   methyl donor.
•  Plays essential role in fat metabolism in the liver. Helps prevent abnormal
   accumulation of fat by promoting its 
   transport as lecithin or by increasing fatty acid utilization in the liver itself.
•  Essential in the formation of acetylcholine, the agent released at the termination of the
   parasympathetic nerves.

Ø  For human consumption
Choline has essential functions in the body.
           Choline plays a vital role in a number of different ways:
           • As a constituent in building a maintenance of cell structures.
           • As a precursor for acetylCholine, the nerve transmitter. Reduction could result   
             in memory disorder.
           • In fat metabolism of the liver, to transport fat from the liver. This will reduce the
              risk of a fatty liver.
                - some diseases such as Alzheimer and Parkinson.
                - infant food
                - diabetics
                - aging
                - brain development and function

Although a natural ingredient in many foodstuffs, the concentration is usually too low for an optimal Choline level. A daily intake is required.
Deficiency of Choline. Consuming a Choline deficient diet results in a fatty liver, liver-cell death and could initiate liver cancer.

Especially important is a sufficient rate of Choline in the diets for:
   Ø  Infants and children because they have an increased need for growth and brain   
         development. Recently there has been published an article about the need of Choline for 
         pregnant women to improve brain development in fetus.
   Ø  Diabetics who have reduced transport of Choline leading to memory dysfunction.
   Ø  Athletes ,having a reduced Choline level after training, therefore a reduced acetylCholine 
         content and reduced performance. Choline occurs in nature in the form of lecithin. Some 
         producers use this lecithin in stead of Choline.

jual choline chloride
Choline Chloride sebagai bahan pakan ternak


Choline biasanya digolongkan sebagai vitamin. Seperti jenis vitamin yang lain, Choline juga berperan penting dalam nutrisi, tetapi kebutuhan sehari-hari akan Choline memang terlihat jauh lebih besar dari vitamin yang lain.

Choline memiliki tiga fungsi metabolis yang esensial: 

• Sebagai bagian dari Lecithin, Choline sangat penting untuk pembentukan membrane  
  sel dan sebagai transport dari lemak yang berasal dari hati – mencegah
  pengakumulasian lemak dalam organ tersebut.

• Sebagai pendahuluan dalam sintesis dari neurotransmitter acetylcholine, berinterkasi
  dalam pengaturan otot.

• Sebagai sumber kelompok methyl yang labil, yang berguna untuk berbagai proses
  biologis dan dengan demikian juga merupakan faktor penting dalam pertumbuhan
  yang sehat.

Dalam sektor pakan campuran, choline biasanya ditambahkan sebagai garam asam hidroklorik choline chloride.
Choline dipakai secara luas pada pakan untuk unggas, babi, udang, ikan dan sapi, serta merupakan additives yang penting untuk pakan hewan peliharaan.

Unggas: Unggas memiliki kebutuhan yang pasti akan choline. Choline memegang peranan penting dalam pembentukan kuning telur. Pencegahan atas perosis juga membutuhkan tambahan choline dalam pakan.

Crustacean: Udang adalah pemakan yang lambat. Sebagian dari choline akan larut dari pellet ke dalam air. Choline, sama dengan vitamin yang lain, akan diberikan secara lebih untuk menjamin tingkat ketersediannya.

Ikan: Choline menunjukkan efek yang menguntungkan bagi berbagai spesies ikan. Spesies tertentu dapat mempersatukan choline, dengan menggunakan betaine atau methionine sebagai donor dari kelompok methyl.

Babi: Kebutuhan akan suplementasi choline bervariasi antar jenis babi. Bagaimanapun juga, babi akan mengalami keuntungan spesifik dari suplementasi choline. Penyerapan dan pendistribusian lemak akan lebih merata ke seluruh anggota tubuh. Choline akan meningkatkan tingkat fertilitas dari induk. Jumlah anak babi yang mengalami cacat di kaki juga akan berkurang secara signifikan.

The Effect of Choline Chloride on the Performance of Broiler Chickens

Selanjutnya mengenai Solusi membuat Hewan ternak tetap sehat dan meningkatkan ukuran telur.


Mike Thang

Jual chloline Chloride ex. China,Kemasan 25 kg/zak. Stok tersedia dengan harga kompetitif

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