Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Fungsi SANMIN KCL bagi tanaman

Kalium (K) adalah suatu unsur kimia dalam tabel periodik yang memiliki lambang K dan nomor atom 19. Kalium berbentuk logam lunak berwarna putih keperakan dan termasuk golongan alkali tanah. Kalium teroksidasi dengan sangat cepat dengan udara, sangat reaktif terutama dalam air, dan secara kimiawi memiliki sifat yang mirip dengan natrium. Dalam bahasa Inggris, kalium disebut potassium.
Kalium bagi tanaman juga dapat berasal dari pupuk buatan (ZK);  dan bahan pupuk kalium seperti: kalsium nitrat, gipsum, batuan posfat, super posfat, dan ca-cyanamide. Selain itu, sisa tanaman dan pupuk kandang juga dapat menjadi sumber kalium yang cukup penting.
Pada dasarnya Unsur Kalium (K) dalam tanah berasal dari: mineral-mineral yang terdiri dari primer tanah seperti: feldspar dalam bentuk KalSi3O8 (sumber utama) sebanyak 16 %, mika 5,2 % (terbagi dalam bentuk biotit ( (H,K)2(M,Fe)2Al2(SiO4)3)  sebanyak 3,8 % dan muskovit (H2Kal3(SiO4)3) sebanyak 1,4 %); mineral sekunder: illit (hidrous mika), vermikulit, khlorit, dan mineral tipe campuran.  
Dalam proses pertumbuhan tanaman, unsur K merupakan salah satu unsur hara makro primer yang diperlukan tanaman dalam jumlah banyak juga, selain unsur N dan P.  Unsur K diserap tanaman dari dalam tanah dalam bentuk ion K+ dan banyak terkandung pada abu, seperti pada abu daun teh yang muda mengandung 50 % K2O, pucuk tebu muda mengandung 60 – 70 % K2O. Kandungan unsur K pada jaringan tanaman sekitar 0,5 - 6% dari berat kering. Bila tanaman sama sekali tidak diberi K, maka asimilasi akan terhenti. Ubi kayu, kentang, tebu nanas paling banyak memerlukan K2O di dalam tanah.
Kalium (K) merupakan unsur ketiga yang penting setelah N dan P. Kalium berfungsi antara lain untuk meningkatkan proses fotosintesis, mengefisienkan penggunaan air, mempertahankan turgor, membentuk batang yang lebih kuat, sebagai aktivator bermacam sistem enzim, dan meningkatkan ketahanan tanaman terhadap penyakit. Meskipun pada kenyataannya total K yang diserap oleh tanaman lebih besar daripada N maupun P, namun demikian perhatian mengenai kalium sampai saat ini masih kurang dibandingkan kedua unsur tersebut.
Fungsi kalium dalam fisiologi tanaman, selain untuk memperkuat batang dan perkembangan akar tanaman, juga sebagai transportasi glukosa dalam tanah yang menjadikan buah menjadi lebih manis (terbukti pada tanaman tebu dan buah buahan). Meningkatkan mutu buah dan bobot buah, dan ketahanan terhadap kekeringan. Aplikasi kalium yang optimum pada tanaman sawit akan meningkatkan produksi Tanda Buah Segar (TBS) dan meningkatkan rendeman. Pada tanaman perkebunan lainnya seperti coklat, tebu, singkong dan lada pemberian kalium terbukti meningkatkan hasil panen dengan kualitas yang tinggi.
Kekurangan kalium pada tanaman padi menyebabkan tanaman tumbuh kerdil dan daun-daun terkulai, penuaan daun lebih cepat (leaf senescence), kehampaan gabah tinggi dan pengisian gabah tidak sempurna (banyak butir hijau), pertumbuhan akar tidak sehat (banyak akar yang busuk karena kehilangan daya oksidasi, sehingga serapan hara terganggu), dan tanaman mudah terserang penyakit seperti blas, busuk batang, dan bercak daun.
Pada tanaman lainnya kekurangan kalium berdampak pada pertumbuhan batang yang lemah dan pendek-pendek sehingga menjadi kerdil, daun-daun tanaman mengerut atau keriting (tanaman kentang daunnya jadi menggulung), buah yang tumbuh menjadi tidak sempurna, kecil-kecil kuantitas dan kualitasnya rendah serta kurang tahan disimpan. Selain itu buah menjadi mudah gugur pada tanaman kelapa dan jeruk, tanaman menjadi lebih rentan diserang penyakit serta khusus tanaman umbi (hasil umbinya sangat minim dan kadar hidrat arangnya rendah).
Fungsi kalium bagi tanaman :
  1. Mempengaruhi susunan dan mengedarkan karbohidrat di dalam tanaman.
  2. Mempercepat metabolisme unsur nitrogen.
  3. Mencegah bunga dan buah agar tidak mudah gugur.
  4. Sebagai aktivator enzim.  Sekitar 80 jenis enzim yang aktivasinya memerlukan unsur K.
  5. Membantu penyerapan air dan unsur hara dari tanah oleh tanaman.
  6. Membantu transportasi hasil asimilasi dari daun ke jaringan tanaman.
  7. Membantu pembentukan pati dan protein.
  8. Pembukaan stomata (mengatur pernapasan dan penguapan).
  9. Proses fisiologis dalam tanaman. 
  10. Proses metabolik dalam sel.
  11. Mempertinggi daya tahan terhadap kekeringan dan penyakit selain itu juga berperan dalam perkembangan akar. 
  12. Membantu mekanisme pengaturan osmotik di dalam sel
  13. Berpengaruh langsung terhadap tingkat semipermiabilitas membran dan fosforilasi di dalam khloroplast.
  14. Mengeraskan jerami dan bagian kayu dari tanaman, meningkatkan resistensi terhadap penyakit.
  15. Meningkatkan kualitas buah-buahan.

Dampak kekurangan unsur Kalium bagi tanaman:
  1. Tanaman yang kekurangan unsur hara Kalium akan menunjukkan gejala yang mirip dengan kekurangan unsur N.
  2. Pertumbuhan tanaman menjadi kerdil
  3. Seluruh tanaman berwarna pucat kekuningan (klorosis). Bedanya dengan kekurangan unsur N, gejala kekurangan unsur K dimulai dari pinggir helai daun sehingga terlihat seperti huruf V terbalik.
Pupuk KCl atau sering disebut MoP merupakan salah satu sumber kalium. Pupuk KCl (MOP/Muriate of Potash) SANMIN KCL adalah salah satu jenis pupuk tunggal yang mengandung unsur Kalium klorida (K2O) konsentrasi tinggi (99 %), berbentuk kristal berwarna putih. Sudah terbukti efikasinya dan sudah umum digunakan karena sangat efektif dan efisien dalam memacu pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman dan dan dapat diaplikasikan pada semua jenis tanah.

SANMIN KCL tersedia Kemasan 25 kg/zak.


Monday, February 17, 2020

Jual Potassium Permanganate

Jual Potassium Permanganate , kemasan 50 kg/karton. Ex. China. Selengkapnya silahkan hubungi kami.

Jual Kalium Permanganat

Jual Kalium Permanganat, kemasan 50 kg/karton. Ex. China. Selengkapnya silahkan hubungi kami.


Kalium atau potassium permanganate adalah suatu senyawa kimia anorganik dan obat-obatan. Sebagai obat senyawa ini digunakan untuk membersihkan luka dan dermatitis.
Senyawa ini memiliki rumus kimia KMnO4 dan merupakan garam yang mengandung ion K+ dan MnO4. Senyawa ini merupakan agen pengoksidasi kuat. Ia larut dalam air menghasilkan larutan berwarna merah muda atau ungu yang intens, penguapan larutan ini meinggalkan kristal prismatik berwarna keunguan-hitam. Pada tahun 2000, produksi di seluruh dunia diperkirakan mencapai 30,000 ton. Dalam senyawa ini, mangan memiliki bilangan oksidasi +7.
Senyawa ini termasuk dalam Model Daftar Obat Esensial WHO, obat yang paling penting dibutuhkan dalam sistem kesehatan dasar. 

Hampir semua aplikasi kalium permanganate memanfaatkan sifat mengoksidasinya. Sebagai oksidan kuat yang tidak menghasilkan produk samping yang beracun, KMnO4 memiliki banyak kegunaan sbb :

Antiseptik                                                                                                             Sebagai oksidan, kalium permanganate dapat bertindak sebagai antiseptik. Misalnya, larutan encer senyawa ini digunakan untuk mengobati sariawan(radang), desinfektan untuk tangan dan pengobatan untuk pomfoliks, dermatitis, dan infeksi jamurpada tangan atau kaki yang sifatnya ringan.

Pengolahan air                                                                                                   Kalium permanganate digunakan secara luas dalam industri pengolahan air. Hal ini digunakan sebagai bahan kimia regenerasi untuk menghilangkan besi dan hidrogen sulfida(bau telur busuk) dari air sumur melalui Filter "Manganese Greensand". "Pot-Perm" juga dapat diperoleh di toko peralatan kolam dan digunakan sebagai tambahan untuk menangani air limbah. Dalam sejarahnya ia digunakan untuk mensterilkan air minumSaat ini senyawa ini menemukan penerapannya dalam pengendalian organisme pengganggu seperti kerang zebra dalam pengumpulan dan pengolahan sistem air tawar.

Larutan kalium permanganate

Sintesis senyawa organik                                                                                     Selain penggunaannya dalam pengolahan air, aplikasi utama lainnya dari KMnO4adalah sebagai pereaksi untuk sintesis senyawa organik. Jumlah yang signifikan diperlukan untuk sintesis asam askorbat, kloramfenikol, sakarin, asam isonikotinat, dan asam pirazinoat.

Penggunaan analisis                                                                                             Kalium permanganate dapat digunakan untuk secara kuantitatif menentukan bahan organik keseluruhan yang dapat teroksidasi dalam sampel air. Nilai yang telah ditentukan dikenal sebagai nilai permanganat.Dalam kimia analitik, larutan standardari KMnO4terkadang digunakan sebagai titran pengoksidasi untuk titrasiredoks(Permanganometri). Dalam cara yang terkait, ia digunakan sebagai pereaksi untuk menentukan bilangan Kappadari pulpkayu. Untuk standarisasi larutan KMnO4, reduksi dengan asam oksalatsering digunakan. Larutan asam berair dari KMnO4digunakan untuk mengumpulkan gas merkuridalam gas buang selama uji emisi sumber stasioner. Dalam histologi, kalium permanganat digunakan sebagai agen pemutih

Penggunaan lain                                                                                                   Kalium permanganate merupakan salah satu bahan kimia utama yang digunakan dalam film dan televisi industri untuk membuat kostum dan properti yang digunakan menjadi "berumur". Konversinya yang mudah menjadi MnO2berwarna cokelat membuat tampilan "kuno" atau "seratus tahun" pada kain goni, tali, kayu, dan kaca.

Kalium permanganate telah digunakan dalam upaya untuk menginduksi aborsi di rumah. Insiden ini hanya mengakibatkan kerusakan vagina dari tindakan korosif bahan kimia tersebut, karena kalium permanganate terbukti tidak efektif dalam menghasilkan aborsi. FDAmeningkatkan pembatasan hukum tentang bahan kimia tersebut dalam menanggapi penggunaannya sebagai abortifasien.

Next Topics :

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Sanmin Kalisel

Sanmin Kalisel is a quality, high purity potassium chloride widely used by the food industry as a replacement for salt and as a taste enhancer, processing agent, stabilizer, gelling agent or preservative. It is used in the production of a broad range of products including meats, soups, sauces, snacks, dairy, prepared meals, sides, bread and baked goods.

Certifications                                                                                                                     Sanmin KaliSel Potassium Chloride complies with Food Chemicals Codex, FAO, WHO and E508 tolerances and federal cGMP standards. It is annually certified as Kosher.

Additives                                                                                                                           Sanmin KaliSel Potassium Chloride comes with a choice between two anticaking agents – Magnesium Carbonate and Silicon Dioxide. Both anticaking agents are approved as GRAS status (Generally Recognized As Safe).


Kalium Chloride

Kalium klorida, atau potassium chloride, adalah senyawa kimia yang terdiri dari unsur kalium (K) dan klorin (Cl). 

Senyawa ini memiliki berbagai manfaat dan kegunaan, termasuk:

Suplemen Kalium: 
Kalium klorida, atau potassium chloride sering digunakan sebagai suplemen kalium untuk membantu mengatasi kekurangan kalium dalam tubuh. Kalium penting untuk fungsi normal otot, jantung, dan sistem saraf.

Produksi Garam: 
Kalium klorida, atau potassium chloride digunakan dalam produksi garam dapur, terutama dalam garam kalsium, yang merupakan garam yang direkomendasikan untuk orang dengan tekanan darah tinggi.

Penggunaan Medis: 
Dalam bidang medis, Kalium klorida, atau potassium chloride dapat digunakan dalam infus intravena untuk menggantikan kehilangan kalium pada pasien yang mengalami dehidrasi atau gangguan elektrolit.

Penggunaan Industri: 
Kalium klorida, atau potassium chloride juga digunakan dalam industri kimia untuk pembuatan pupuk, pembuatan kaca, pengolahan air minum, dan dalam proses metalurgi.

Penjernihan Air: 
Dalam pengolahan air minum, Kalium klorida, atau potassium chloride dapat digunakan sebagai bahan untuk memurnikan air dengan membunuh bakteri dan mikroorganisme lainnya.


KaliSel is a quality, high purity potassium chloride widely used by the food industry as a replacement for salt and as a taste enhancer, processing agent, stabilizer, gelling agent or preservative. It is used in the production of a broad range of products including meats, soups, sauces, snacks, dairy, prepared meals, sides, bread and baked goods.


KaliSel Potassium Chloride complies with Food Chemicals Codex, FAO, WHO and E508 tolerances and federal cGMP standards. It is annually certified as Kosher.


KaliSel Potassium Chloride comes with a choice between two anticaking agents – Magnesium Carbonate and Silicon Dioxide. Both anticaking agents are approved as GRAS status (Generally Recognized As Safe)

25 kg/bag

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


Jual Acrylic Acid, kemasan 210 kg/drum. Stok tersedia. Harga bersaing.

Selengkapnya apa itu Acrylic Acid silahkan hubungi kami kami.



Molecular formula: C3H4O2

CASR number: 79-10-7

Synonyms: 2-Propenoic acid, acrylsyre, acide acrylique acido acrilico, acrylzuur, ethylenecarboxylic acid, vinylformic acid, acroleic acid.
Acrylic Acid  is also called propenonic acid and acroleic acid. Acrylic acid is made by condensing hydrocyanic acid with ethylene oxide, followed by reaction with sulphuric acid. It is also made from acetylene, carbon monoxide and water in the presence of nickel catalyst. In another method, propylene is vapour-oxidized to acrolein, which is oxidized to acrylic acid at 300oC with molybdenum – vanadium catalyst.

This is a colourless liquid with an acid odour. It polymerizes readily to poly (acrylic acid). It is miscible with water, alcohol and ether. It melts at 12oC and boils at 141oC. It is combustible and is an irritant and corrosive to skin and toxic by inhalation. LD50 value orally in rats is 2.59 gm/kg. Acrylic acid is used in the manufacture of poly (acrylic acid) and poly (methacrylic acid) and other acrylic polymers.

Butyl acrylate is made by the reaction of acrylic acid or methyl acrylate with butyl alcohol. Butyl acrylate is used as one of the monomers for producing binders used in pigment printing. Acrylic resins are thermoplastic polymers, co-polymers or terpolymers of acrylic acid, methacrylic acid, esters of these acids, acrylonitrile, butadiene and/or styrene.

The main use of acrylic acid is as feedstock for the production of commodity chemicals, notably acrylate esters. The esters are responsible for many desirable features in polymers such as acid and base resistance, optical properties, in addition to heat and aging resistance. Notable esters include the methyl ester of acrylic acid which is used as a copolymer component of acrylic acid fibers. The ethyl ester finds applications in the fabrication of paints, both water and solvent based, while the butyl ester is used mainly in adhesives. Acrylic acid polymerizes easily to give polyacrylic acid. This polymer is important for coatings, paints, adhesives, and other textiles.

The primary use of acrylic acid is in the production of acrylic esters and resins, which are used primarily in coatings and adhesives. It is also used in oil treatment chemicals, detergent intermediates, water treatment chemicals, and water absorbent polyacrylic acid polymers. Acrylic acid is used widely for polymerization, including production of polyacrylates. It is a monomer for polyacrylic and polymethacrylic acids and other acrylic polymers. It is used in the manufacture of plastics, as a tackifier, as a flocculant, in the production of water-soluble resins and salts, as a comonomer in acrylic emulsion and solution polymers and in molding powder for signs, construction units, decorative emblems and insignias. It is used in polymer solutions for coatings applications, in paint formulations, in leather finishings, in paper coatings, in polishes and adhesives and in general finishes and binders.
Acrylic acid has traditionally been used as the raw material for acrylic esters – methyl acrylate, ethyl acrylate, butyl acrylate and 2-ethylhexyl acrylate. These bulk acrylates were originally used to produce solvent-based acrylic resins but environmental concerns over solvent use led to the development of water-based acrylics. Applications for water-based acrylics are primarily in decorative, masonry and industrial coatings but other uses include adhesives, paper and leather coatings, polishes, carpet backing compounds and tablet coatings.

Physical properties
Acrylic acid is a corrosive, colourless liquid with an acrid odour.
Boiling Point.      : 141.0°C
Melting Point.     : 14.0°C
Flash Point.        : 68°C (open cup)
Vapour Density.  : 2.45
Density                : 1.0511 at 20°C
Vapour Pressure. : 3.1 mm Hg at 20°C

Chemical properties

It is miscible with water, alcohol, ether, benzene, chloroform, and acetone. It polymerizes readily in the presence of oxygen. Exothermic polymerization at room temperature may cause acrylic acid to become explosive if confined. It is sensitive to heat and sunlight. It is normally supplied as the inhibited monomer (inhibited with 200 ppm hydroquinone monomethyl ether), but because of its relatively high freezing point it often partly solidifies and the solid phase (and the vapour) will then be free of the inhibitor which remains in the liquid phase. Even the un-inhibited form may be stored safely below the melting point, but such material will polymerize exothermically at ambient temperature and may accelerate to a violent or explosive state if confined. It is also a fire hazard when exposed to heat or flame. Acrylic acid is incompatible with strong oxidizers, strong bases, strong alkalies and pure nitrogen. It may polymerize (sometimes explosively) on contact with amines, ammonia, oleum and chlorosulfonic acid, iron salts and peroxides. It may corrode iron and steel.

Styrene Monomer
Methyl Methaacrylate

Monday, February 10, 2020

Epotec TH 7301

Epotec TH 7301 is a modified polyamidoamine curing agent that can be used in combination with liquid epoxy resin formulations for solvent- free coating systems.

Applications :

  • Primers applied onto difficult (e.g. wet, humid) substrates 
  • High –solid-coating for heavy –duty corrosion protection

Appearance.                     Visual                           Dark yellow liquid

Colour.                               ASTM D 1544-04         10.G max.

Pot life 150gmix 
with Epotec YD 128           TEC-AS-P-111              35 - 55 minutes
(190 EEW)          
Viscosity @25oC               ASTM D 2196-05          1,000 - 2,000 cP

Typical properties

Odour.                                 --                                  Amine-like
Density @ 25oC                 ASTM D 1475-98         1.005 g/cc
AHEW                                Ca.                                ~ 115 g/eq
Mixing ratio with 
Epotec YD 128
(EEW = 186 g/eq)              pbw                              100 : 60

Amine value                       DIN 16945                    276 mg KOH/g
Flash point                         ASTM D 93                   76oC

For any further info please feel free to contact us.

Next :

> KH 816 


Fatty acid esters of propylene glycol (1, 2‐propanediol) have been known to the food industry for about 40 years.

Propylene glycol fatty acid esters are lipophilic, oil‐soluble emulsifiers with specific crystalline properties.

Propylene glycol esters of fatty acids are mixtures of propylene glycol mono- and diesters of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids derived from edible oils and fats. The products are produced either by direct esterification of propylene glycol with fatty acids or by transesterification of propylene glycol with oils or fats. When prepared by transesterification, the product may contain residual mono- and diglycerides and glycerol. The process may be followed by molecular distillation to separate the monoesters. 

Propylene glycol esters are white to yellowish white beads, or flakes having
a bland odour and taste.


Solubility (Vol. 4)         : Insoluble in water, soluble in ethanol and ethyl acetate 

Health Canada has received a food additive submission seeking approval for the use of propylene glycol mono fatty acid esters as an emulsifier and stabilizer at a maximum level of 0.35% in ice milk made from ice milk mix. There are standards of composition for ice milk and ice milk mix set out in section B.08.072 and section B.08.071, respectively, of Division 8 of the Food and Drug Regulations (Part B). However, there is no provision in the Lists of Permitted Food Additives for the use of propylene glycol mono fatty acid esters in either of these standardized foods.

Propylene glycol mono fatty acid esters is already permitted for use in Canada as an emulsifier and stabilizer in unstandardized foods at a level consistent with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) as well as in ice cream mix at a maximum level of use of 0.35% of the ice cream made from the mix. 

For any query please feel free to contact us.


Saturday, February 8, 2020


Sanmin wack te 40 is an ethyl silicate providing approximately 41% of silicon dioxide (silica) upon complete hydrolysis.

Sanmin W. te 40 contains many hydrolyzable ethoxy groups. For applications in which the inorganic SiOis to be used as a binder, Sanmin wack the 40 needs to be activated.

Hydrolysis of SANMIN Wack TE 40 induced by atmospheric humidity is too slow for most moisture curing applications. It must be activated by : 
- partial acid hydrolysis in an alcoholic co-solvent, for example by sulfuric acid
- catalysis, for example amines or titanates

Sanmin W. TE 40 is used for the precipitation of silica upon complete hydrolysis. The SiOcoating firmly binds inorganic fillers and pigments and adheres well to different inorganic substrates like glass, ceramics or metall. Chemical and mechanical properties of the substrates can be improved by the thin SiOfilm, which is also highly heat-resistant.

  • binder for zinc-rich anti-corrosion paints
  • binder for refractory fillers (production of ceramic shells and cores)
  • precision casting
  • coating material for pigments and fibers
  • liquid source of SiOas a (film-forming) binder - crosslinking agent, e.g. for silicone elastomers - sol-gel processes
Surface coatings based on ethyl silicate binders are categorised as inorganic coatings, whereas the conventional surface coatings which are mainly based on organic binders are referred to as organic coatings. Zinc-rich inorganic coatings based on ethyl silicate are quite successful for the protection of steel against corrosion under severe exposing conditions such as underground, marine atmosphere, industrial atmosphere, nuclear power plants, etc. These coatings provide unmatched corrosion protection to steel substrates exposed to high temperatures. Because of the formation of conductive matrix out of the binder after film curing, zinc-rich coatings based on ethyl silicate binder offer outstanding cathodic protection to steel structures. These coatings are mostly solvent-borne, but recently water-borne versions of the same have also been developed. However, the commercial success of water-borne systems is not yet well established.

Ethyl silicate (molecular formula: Si (OC2H5) 4) is a colorless liquid with special foul smell. It has the relative density being 0.933, the melting point being-77 ℃, the boiling point being 166.5 ℃, freezing point being-77 ℃, the viscosity being 0.00179Pa • s [0.0179P (20 ℃)] and the refractive index being 1.3837 (20 ℃). It is very stable in the absence of water while it is decomposed into ethanol and silicic acid and becomes cloudy in the moist air while be clarified later and has the silicic acid being precipitated. It is soluble in alcohol, ether and other organic solvents. It is toxic with strong irritation effect on the human eye and respiratory tract. The industry applies the reaction between silicon tetrachloride and anhydrous ethanol and further distillation to obtain ethyl silicate. 

Ethyl silicate is mainly applied to the manufacture of heat resistant and chemical resistant coatings and preparation of organic silicone solvent. It can also be applied to organic synthesis and used as the basic raw material for making advanced crystal, optical glass processing, binders and also the insulation materials of electronics industry.

Ethyl silicate is a kind of liquid silicate and can be used as the dissolving agent of mural painting. Ethyl silicate is a clear, thin liquid which is similar to volatile solvents on the surface. After careful addition of a small amount of alcohol and water, it will be hydrolyzed into the pure silica adhesive. Before drying, it will go through viscous, adhesive intermediate stage. Applying ethyl silicate paint to the surface which is absorbent or permeable can produce a counter effect against frescoes; ethyl silicate pigment has a better performance than frescoes in term of durability and vividness of the color. Pigment must be subject to reformulation every day to be kept being fresh. Once being added with the water, you have no way to stop the hydrolysis reaction. 

Ethyl silicate can be used as an insulating material for electronic industry, paint, zinc coating binders, optical glass treatment agents, coagulants, organic solvents and precision casting silicone adhesive, and the model box for manufacture of metal investment casting method. The completion of the hydrolysis of ethyl silicate produces fine silica powder for the manufacture of phosphors; it can be used in organic synthesis, preparation of soluble silicon, the preparation and regeneration of catalyst; it can also be used as the cross-linking agent and intermediate also for the production of silicone.

It can be used as the adhesive of paint and pigment; also used as the cross-linking agent of silicone rubber; the binder of ceramic materials and accurate casting.

For any query please feel free to contact us.

WA +6285894436642

Friday, February 7, 2020

Sanmin Wack TE 40

Jual Ethyl Silicate / Sanmin wack TE 40, kemasan 215 kg/drum. Stock tersedia. Harga berating.

Selengkapnya silahkan hubungi kami.

Michael T.


Jual Ethyl Silicate, kemasan 215 kg/drum. Stock tersedia. Harga berating.

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Thursday, February 6, 2020


Jual Sodium Bromate, kemasan 50 kg/Karton. Stock tersedia. Harga bersaing.

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CAS No. 7789-38-0
Chemical Formula: NaBrO3
Molecular Weight: 150.9

Bromate is a drinking water disinfection by-product formed during the ozonation of source water containing bromide. Sodium bromate is also used as an analytical reagent, in the oxidation of sulfur and vat dyes, and for cleaning boilers. As a mixture with sodium bromide, it is used for dissolving gold from its ores. The cosmetic industry uses sodium bromate and potassium bromate as neutralizers or oxidizers in hair wave preparations.

Sodium bromate is an ionic solid that appears as white granules or a crystalline powder, has no odor or taste, has a melting point of 381° C and a density of 3.4 g/mL, and is soluble in water and insoluble in organic vehicles such as 95% ethanol and acetone (Merck, 1983; HSDB, 2003). In the absence of information on sodium bromate, information on potassium bromate will be presented, as both salts produce similar effects and are roughly equivalent in the delivery of bromate ions.

Sodium Bromate is a powerful oxidizing agent, mainly used in preparing permanent-wave neutralizers, printing and dyeing auxiliary, chemical reagent, gold solvent in gold mines when used with Sodium Bromide. It's a bromate-based formulation of oxidizing agents for use in continuous or batch dyeing processes involving sulfur or vat dyes. It is also used as the raw material of some pesticides and pharmaceutical intermediaries.


  • As a permagent in hair treatment formulations.
  • Boiler cleaning and dyeing applications that involve oxidation of sulfur dyes.
  • Combined with sodium bromide as a gold solvent in mines.

For any further info please feel free to contact us.

Michael T.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


Perchloroethylene (PCE) is a colorless, nonflammable liquid with an ethereal odor. The chemical name for perchloroethylene is tetrachloroethylene; it is also known as tetrachloroethene and perc.
Perchloroethylene is practically insoluble in water, but is miscible with the chlorinated organic solvents and most other common solvents such as ethanol, diethyl ether, and oils. It is a solvent for many substances, including fats, oils and tars. At 20EC, PCE has a vapor pressure of 1.87 kPa (14 mmHg). Table 2 summarizes the physical and chemical properties of PCE.
In the presence of light and air, perchloroethylene slowly autooxidizes to trichloroacetyl chloride. Stabilizers, such as amines or phenols, inhibit the decomposition process to extend solvent life and protect equipment and materials. Compared to other chlorinated ethanes and ethylenes, PCE is relatively stable, and generally requires only small amounts of stabilizers.

Perchloroethylene is produced domestically by three processes. These are :
(1) the direct chlorination of ethylene dichloride, 
(2) the oxychlorination of ethylene dichloride, and 
(3) hydrocarbon chlorinolysis. 
In the first two processes, PCE can be produced separately or as a coproduct of TCE with the raw material ratios determining the proportions of PCE and TCE. In the third process, PCE is manufactured as a coproduct with carbon tetrachloride.

Perchloroethylene may also be formed as a by-product during ethylene dichloride/vinyl chloride monomer manufactures Perchloroethylene is produced in purified, technical, USP, and spectrometric grades. The various grades are produced for dry cleaning, technical, industrial, and vapor-degreasing uses, respectively.

Perchloroethylene is commercially important primarily as a chlorinated hydrocarbon solvent and as a chemical intermediate. The major end use of PCE is as a dry cleaning solvent. 
Perchloroethylene largely replaced carbon tetrachloride (which is no longer used) in commercial, coin-operated, industrial and garment-rental dry cleaning operations. Some PCE is also used in textile processing as a scouring solvent and as a carrier solvent. 
Together these uses account for about 50 percent of total domestic demand for PCE. Approximately 25 percent of the PCE supply is used as a chemical intermediate in chlorofluorocarbon production (mostly for chlorofluorocarbon 113). Another 15 percent is consumed in organic solvent cleaning operations such as vapor degreasing and metal cleaning. The remaining 10 percent of the PCE supply is primarily consumed in other solvent applications. 
These applications include use :
(1) as a solvent in paints, coatings, and adhesives, 
(2) as a solvent in aerosol formulations, and 
(3) in miscellaneous solvent applications.
Trichloroethylene and PCE are used in miscellaneous chemical synthesis and solvent applications. For example, TCE is used as a reactant to produce pesticide intermediates. An estimated 3,670 Mg of TCE were consumed for this purpose by the pesticide industry in 1984. 
Trichloroethylene may also be used in the chemical synthesis of flame- retardant chemicals; as a solvent in pharmaceutical manufacture; as a solvent in waterless preparation, dying, and finishing operations in the textile industry; and as a carrier solvent in formulated consumer products such as insecticides, fungicides, typewriter correction fluids, paint removers, and paint strippers. 

The known miscellaneous uses of PCE primarily include solvent applications. 
The pharmaceutical industry consumed about 7 Mg of PCE solvent in 1985. In textile processing, PCE functions as a scouring solvent, removing oils from fabrics after knitting and weaving operations, and as a carrier solvent for fabric finishes and water repellents, and for sizing and desizing. Perchloroethylene is miscible with other common solvents and is an ingredient in blended solvents.
Perchloroethylene is used as a carrier solvent in as printing inks, cleaners, polishes, lubricants, is also used as a recyclable dielectric fluid for heat transfer medium, and pesticide intermediate. many products such and silicones. It power transformers, heat transfer medium, and pesticide intermediate.
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Michael Thang