Monday, August 3, 2020


Asam laktat atau 2-hydroxypropanoic acid (CH3CHOHCOOH) merupakan senyawa kimia yang banyak digunakan dalam industri. Senyawa asam ini mempunyai sifat antara lain tak berwarna sampai kekuningan, larut dalam air, alkohol, eter dan korosif. 

Asam laktat digunakan sebagai bahan tambahan dalam produk pangan, yaitu sebagai pengatur pH, bahan pengasam pada produk kembang gula, jus, sirup, meningkatkan aroma dan rasa pada saus serta bumbu, mengurangi resiko bakteri patogen pada produk daging. 

Selain itu asam laktat juga digunakan sebagai bahan baku pada industri yang memproduksi senyawa-senyawa laktat, bahan baku pada industri farmasi sebagai larutan pengental dan pembuatan tablet. 

Industri kosmetik sebagai pencampur zat yang membuat kulit tampak bercahaya dan zat anti jerawat. Industri kimia sebagai pengatur pH, penertal dan zat pembersih. Sebanyak 70% dari total asam laktat yang diperdagangkan digunakan dalam makanan dan pengolahan makanan sebagai pengatur pH, bahan pengawet dan buffer agent (Jin Bo et al.,2005). 

Asam laktat dapat dibuat melalui proses sintesis kimia atau fermentasi karbohidrat seperti sukrosa, laktosa, manitol, pati dan dekstrin.

Aplikasi kegunaan :

Industri makanan 
- Acidulants 
- Pengawet 
- Perasa 
- Pengatur pH 
- meningkatkan kualitas mikroba 
- mineral fortification 

Industri kosmetik 
- Pelembab 
- Bahan pencerah kulit 
- Bahan peremajaan kulit 
- Bahan anti jerawat 
- Bahan anti karang gigi

Industri kimia 
- Bahan anti kerak 
- Pengatur pH 
- Bahan penetral 
- Chiral intermediates 
- Pelarut alami 
- Bahan pembersih 
- Slow acid release agents 
- Metal complexing

Bahan baku kimia 
- prophylene acid 
- acetaldehyde 
- acrylic acid 
- propanoic acid 
- 2,3-pentanedione 
- Ethyl lactate 
- Dilactide 
- Poly(lactid acid)

Industri farmasi 
- Parenteral/LV. Solution 
- Cairan dialisis 
- Mineral preparations 
- Tablet - Prostheses 
- Benang bedah 
- Controlled drug delivery systems

Tersedia kemasan 25 kg/zak.

Info pemesanan silahkan hubungi 

Michael T.


Jual Glycolic Acid

Glycolic acid, packing 275 kg/dr. 


CAS #: 79-14-1

Glycolic acid is chemically synthesized, but is also a naturally-occurring compound present in the human body, a natural constituent of milk, and in a variety of food substances. It is also widely used in cosmetic applications, such as chemical skin peels and skin care products at concentrations up to about 30 percent to improve human skin conditioning due to its excellent capability to penetrate skin. Once applied, glycolic acid reacts with the upper layer of the epidermis, weakening the binding properties of the lipids that hold the dead skin cells together. This allows the stratum corneum to be exfoliated, which in turn increases the production of live skin cells and other elastin skin compounds. 

The current use of Glycolic Acid in livestock production is as a pre and post milking sanitizing teat dip that aids in reducing the spread of mastitis-causing organisms. It is an alternative active ingredient in teat dips to iodine. Its microbial effects are similar to iodine, a NOP accepted synthetic ingredient for livestock production. Glycolic acid has the added benefit of penetrating into the skin and exfoliating the outer layer of skin. This promotes healing of compromised skin (such as cracks and wrinkles) thereby improving teat condition. Glycolic acid, as an active ingredient in teat dips, and working together with an emollient, improves the animal’s skin condition equating to the betterment and safety of the animal. Glycolic acid teat dips have excellent disinfection properties to provide fast reduction of contamination that can lead to contagious mastitis and continue to disinfect the teat and teat canal between milkings.

Glycolic acid is approved by ECHA (European Chemical authority) for use in veterinary hygiene disinfectants and food and feed area disinfectants.

Glycolic acid is a well-known human cosmetics and personal care active ingredient. It has a unique mode of action in that it penetrates the outer layers of skin to enhance exfoliation of dead skin cells. In addition it stimulates cellular activity to produce new skin cells increasing the thickness of the epidermis, moisturizing the outer layer of skin and increasing the production of elastin compounds in the skin. The ultimate benefit is firmer, moisturized, and more uniform skin layers. This benefit in livestock translates to animals that are healthier; more comfortable; and provide better production.
Glycolic acid based teat dips give excellent teat skin conditioning when combined with an emollient and reduce mastitis infections.

The use of glycolic acid in teat dip formulations provides active microbial protection and beneficial skin conditioning effects for the betterment of the livestock. Glycolic acid is readily biodegradable with its degradation products ultimately being carbon dioxide and water. Waste treatment is not a significant issue given its relatively low BOD and rapid biodegradation.

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