CHEMICAL SUPPLIER : cutting oil remover
Showing posts with label cutting oil remover. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cutting oil remover. Show all posts

Monday, September 5, 2016



Mineral aqueous cleaning solutions are the most common form of aqueous chemistry. These solutions may have pH values that range from a pH of 8 to a pH of 11.5. Alkaline chemistries commonly have various additives to improve performance characteristics. 

These solutions can be used with all types of liquid processes (e.g. sprays, ultrasonics, immersion, and power washers). These chemistries remove coolants and cutting oils, shop diR, finger prints, cosmolene, petrolatums, and some water soluble paints. 

Parts cleaned include hydraulic valve bodies, fuel injector components and machined aluminum castings. These solutions are used for all cleanliness levels. Cost per gallon is generally cheaper than for semi-aqueous compounds. You should not automatically assume that you can put alkaline aqueous solutions down the dram. You need to check with your local water treatment authority before disposing of these solutions down the drain. 

Efective to remove :
> Cutting oils and coolants
> Cosmolene
> Grease
> Finger prints
> Shop dirt
> Pesticides on 
   * Vegetables
   * Fruits
   * Rice, etc. 

Alkaline cleaners may be designed to allow good separation between the water and contaminants such as oils. This allows control of the waste streams produced during cleaning: by allowing the contaminated liquid to separate, the aqueous solution can be recycled back to the process and the contaminant can be trapped. 

Alkaline aqueous cleaners have been successfully used to clean mild and stainless steels. Flash corrosion may be a problem with other materials. Alkaline cleaners may be used over a very broad range of temperatures. This may increase its suitability for general purpose cleaning. Aqueous systems can be designed as closed loop systems. Various filtration technologies can be used to separate the water from the contaminant.
Cairan Sanmin Alkaline Cleaner adalah cairan yang efektif untuk membersihkan bahan pestisida, efektif untuk mencuci buah-buahan, sayuran, beras dll.

Notes : Cairan Antibakteri yang ramah lingkungan silahkan buka

For any further info please feel free to contact me.