Showing posts with label dk ester. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dk ester. Show all posts

Monday, July 26, 2021

Bahan pengemulsi santan kelapa

 Sucrose Ester adalah bahan berubah bubuk putih halus yang biasa digunakan sebagai pengemulsi ( melarutkan minyak dengan air ) biasa digunakan untuk berbagai aplikasi makanan dan minuman seperti :

> Santan kelp

> Ice cream

> Kopi susu

> Coffe whitener

> Permen

> Kue

> Dll.

Info selengkapnya silahkan buka " SUCROSE ESTER "

Monday, January 18, 2016

SUCROSE ESTER as food emulsifier

What is Sucrose Ester E 473:

Sucrose esters of fatty acids, commonly known as sucrose esters, and sucrose oligo esters are a relatively new extension to the line of emulsifiers available for the American food market.By varying the degree of esterification of the sucrose molecule it is possible to obtain emulsifiers with HLB values ranging from 1 up to 16 for the high mono-esters.
Hydrophilic Lipophilic Balance:
1. SE having high HLB is easier to dissolve in water and suitable for O/W    
    emulsified foods, eq. coffee cream,  whipped topping.
2. SE haveing lower HLB is  easier to dissolve in oil, and suitable for W/O    
     emulsified foods.  eq. margarine, fat spread.
HLB Applications for :